Brief detail of my story

Recently went on the land convoy for Gaza from London last mid-April. Thank you to all that helped me to go on this dream of mine, whether it was financial support or emotional support. And a huge thank you to one of my best friends who agreed to come on this trip with me & I couldn't have done it without him. Even though we sadly were not able to enter Gaza due to Egypt stopping us and wanting us to hand our aid and vehicles to Israel, all the wonderful people I met on the convoy will never stop until the Palestinians are free. We will never forget them. Thesis is in process right now :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Amman to Aqaba

I remember waking up to this day and really not feeling well but you just get up and go with it really. After a hearty breakfast we all went onto the bus and headed back to the syndicate where we had been the night before for a press conference with the people who were hosting us in Jordan. I think it was halfway through that I suddenly felt very cold and had to borrow Richard's jacket. After I remember going outside still with the jacket and then Richard came back with a blanket and I just sat on the steps wrapped around this blanket. I'm in Jordan, outside, with a blanket. Something wasn't very right. Sylvia went to try and find someone who could help and in a way it was lucky I was at the syndicate as there was a doctor. She prescribed some meds for me and I found out she is from Gaza and gave me her sister's details because she hasn't been able to see her for 15 years due to not being able to go back to Gaza since she left for Jordan. I couldn't imagine not being able to see my family for 1 month let alone 15 years!!! :( It really saddens me that I never got to see her sister to pass on the message as this doctor was so sweet and whatever she gave me really did help me tremendously. I am forever grateful! 

I then stayed in this room and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep whilst Faisal was making sure I was okay. I do remember waking up as this interview was being conducted in the room and it was another NGO in Jordan who were also doing a convoy to Gaza but they regretted that they couldn't join our convoy as all their arrangements to fly to Egypt had been done already and they would be leaving a week later. Never mind, maybe next time :) They were very nice and said sorry for being there but all was good and I felt much better after the nap. We then went and found the others who were having lunch. Oh yes I remember that lunch. Massive lunch and it was sooo good!!! If I'm not mistaken I have Faisal a piece of chicken because it was too much haha. Must ask him. Then we went outside to try and meet the people who were so great at hosting us but time was running out and we needed to make a move. We said our goodbyes and headed off to Aqaba with the Jordanian police escort. 

I think it was roughly 4 or 5 hours to get to Aqaba. We did one quick stop for a toilet break, magrib prayers and lots and lots of coffee hehe. I don't remember much of the trip as I am pretty sure I dosed off every now and then (really hopeless) but we got to this area where al the vans could park with no problem and then all got into the bus with as little as possible and headed to our accommodation. It was an apartment type so there were about 5 in each apartment. I'm pretty sure Faisal and I either had noodles for dinner or sandwiches. Either way it was a quick dinner before crashing to sleep to prepare for the very unexpected, long waiting game that was coming....

...till then :)

PS. Due to not being on my game that day (plus lack of pics on my fb, ill include a picture of the rocky mountains that surrounded us in Jordan :)

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